AlogO finances the Rapid AIDS Test for Street Kids.
Thanks to the numerous correct entries sent in by our customers and partners in the course of our AlogO wall calendar charity project, AlogO can now implement the unique, nationwide project „Rapid AIDS Test“ together with the Contact and Advice Center Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle - Help for young people in need, also known as KuB.
Every Monday, kids from the streets can get HIV counselling and a quick HIV test on the KuB premises in Fasanenstraße, with no commitment and anonymously. Through their heightened risk behaviour, particularly with regard to their attitude to health, drug consumption and their sexual habits, they are in the category of people in danger of becoming infected with HIV.
AlogO not only provided solid financing to enable the purchase of medicine and the medical equipment required, but also made a creative contribution to implementing the project.
The AlogO team developed and produced the flyer distributed on the street by social workers to street kids, and also helps with communication and marketing issues.